Tim Rutherford

  • 2020

    Experimentos macabros

    Experimentos macabros

    6.1 2020 HD

    Un hombre y una mujer gravemente heridos despiertan en un sanatorio abandonado solo para descubrir que un cuidador sádico posee las llaves de su libertad y las respuestas horribles sobre su verdadera […]

    Director: Rob Grant,Michael Peterson,Michael Peterson,Michael Peterson,Tim Rutherford,Kyle Cooper,Derek Jones,Cecil Wright,Lucas Lehmann

    Género: Terror,Suspenso

    Actores:Thomas Cocquerel,Camille Stopps,Angus Macfadyen,Chantal Perron,Gerrick Winston,Zoe Marlett,Lisa Moreau,Victoria Mitchell,Jonathan Purvis,Blake Gordey,Shawna Pliva

  • 2021

    John, 316

    John, 316

    4.5 2021 HD

    A psychiatric hospital is turned upside down when a mysterious drifter is admitted and assigned to room 316. Known only as John Doe, the other patients believe that he bears an uncanny resemblance to […]

    Director: Gilbert Allan,Tim Rutherford,Mack Alvin,Harvey Lilley,Gilbert Allan,Chase Gardiner,Jade Wong,Jade Wong,Jarvis Greiner,Hanah Semeniuk,Joel Chanin,Grace Kinley

    Género: Drama

    Actores:Skylar Radzion,Griffin Cork,Jayson Therrien,S-Raj Kumar,Jarvis Greiner,Darrell Portz,Len J. Phillips,Christopher Heatherington,Amber Shaun,Deimon Slagg,Alice Creed,Chris Krueger,Reamonn Joshee,Matthew Warkentin,Jenn Repp
